Friday, February 1, 2013

Status update

Due to completely unexpected circumstances... the 29th post unfortunately, along with the one from the 30th I never even got to starting... will be postponed. Let's just say the supposed love of my life/soulmate, or so I thought... suddenly railroaded me about 26 hours ago, by showing me how completely heartless she is and days after well - happily talking of children with me, she completely gives up on us - it makes absolutely no sense to me! I had a rough 2 extreme venting people... after never feeling so hurt, upset and angered in all my life But since after that... I've been very calm, and confident in things in my life, besides this minor speed bump, that things are perfectly fine; and I wont let this ruin the greatest 6 months of my life. I've never felt so strong and so confident as I am now... and I know everything is going to be perfectly fine!

Unfortunately though that meant that my work on here & EP got temporarily postponed where I recovered as quickly as possible, but also unfortunately due to not sleeping for 42-44 hours, then only getting 5-6 hours last night - I've only managed to sleep 5-6 hours in the last 50 or so... so I best go to bed right now; and let the files from my Microsoft Zune music folders, copy/convert onto my iTunes folder, so I can sync the files there onto my brand new iPod.

But off to bed now... just wanted to update everyone on what's going on. I've been feeling very lethargic the last day likely because of being so warn down from Monday-Thursday's 3 day wait to more or less find out what I did from the now ex, as she went almost completely silent with me in those 3 days besides 3 very short messages. So, because of that... I barely had a real chance to actually celebrate the new job with the Kings... and instead spent most of that time stressing, worrying, and eventually become very angered about what the now ex was doing to me.

To bed though now - I will work on the updates as soon as I can!

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